We kicked off the year by asking our Start It Sunday community how they’re approaching work in the new year. Start It Sunday — our initiative designed to empower you to take charge of your career — is all about motivating, after all.

More than half of our survey’s respondents (56 percent) reported that they’re working full-time from remote workspaces. And while studies prove that productivity is boosted when working from these virtual workspaces, it can be difficult to feel engaged at work when you’re not physically present in the office.

When asked how motivated respondents feel in their current role, the majority (56 percent) feel neutral — neither extremely motivated nor unmotivated.

This same number of respondents also see themselves changing jobs this year. And when asked which best describes their current role, the responses were split almost evenly across the board: 37 percent plan to be promoted; 31 percent plan to keep their current job title; and 31 percent said neither option was applicable to them.

But when it comes to goal-setting, respondents had a lot on their minds.

Among some of the professional goals shared, Nick C. from Fairfield, Calif. hopes to increase his leadership skills this year. Other goal highlights include finding a new job, gaining confidence in a role, learning how to manage, making more money, and improving work-life quality.

For those who have set goals for the New Year and are looking to stay motivated, we recommend Michael Bungay Stanier’s latest book, “How To Begin: Start Doing Something That Matters.” According to Forbes, “It might be the best goal-setting and goal-completion book out there.”

And keep following along as we share productivity hacks, expert career development insight, and more as part of our Start It Sunday movement.