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About TradeCraft

"Building a Mainstream Cannabis Foundation; One Gram At a Time "TradeCraft will seed or scale your cannabis brand, reduce your fixed costs and exceed performance expectations.? Our accomplished team of professionals will represent your cannabis brand, to your standards, across all channels of trade to increase availability, expand product mix and sustainably grow revenue per customer.? All TradeCraft agents have the classic commercial experience, ?start-up hustle? and the capability range to position your brand for long term success.THE IDEA OF TRADECRAFT HAS BEEN FORMING FOR OVER TWO DECADES.We have always believed that ?selling? doesn?t reflect the true value of an effective ?salesperson? (or a complete appreciation for how hard it is to do it well). The ability to influence others to take action, to prioritize your insight over others, to continually come back to you first and to trust that you have their best interest in mind is far more than ?selling.? This is really about establishing a position of influence (built on investing time, sharing authentic experiences, demonstrating critical behaviors, acting in a genuinely transparent manner and taking action on the feedback you solicit).Our organization's collective experience has allowed us the opportunity to work with a vast ecosystem of investors, brands, retailers and distributors operating throughout North America. This provides us a tremendous position to learn and identify opportunities that may not be obvious without such a broad and deep perspective.There are more legislative and investment theories than there are actual cannabis strains; but almost all industry advocates can agree that eventually cannabis will become a mainstream industry.