About The Gambrinus Company
Select brands that embody the distinctive characteristics sought by discriminating beer drinkers. Support our brands with a strong marketing agenda, a disciplined sales approach and a long-term commitment to distributors, retailers, and consumers.
The Gambrinus Company, headed by President Carlos Alvarez, is a privately held corporation located in San Antonio, Texas. Gambrinus is best known as the owner and brewer of Shiner Beers, which are brewed at the Spoetzl Brewery in Shiner, Texas. Gambrinus also owns Trumer Brauerei in Berkeley, California.
The Gambrinus Company includes more than 100 corporate, sales, distribution, brewing and support personnel, and markets 2 brand portfolios throughout the United States. From corporate headquarters in San Antonio, Gambrinus partners with a family of distributors and world-class brewers to bring its portfolio of top quality products to a dynamic and growing consumer base.
Working closely with its extensive distributor network, Gambrinus is committed to the development of its business through disciplined sales and marketing practices. With confidence in its motto, "Beer brings enjoyment to the world," Gambrinus combines imaginative marketing, product quality and an aggressive field sales force to build its brands to be market leaders while profitably growing the business of its brewery suppliers, its wholesalers and retail partners.