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Siete Family Foods

Siete Family Foods Jobs

Director of Sales - Kroger

Cincinnati, OH · Posted Jul 26
Give us a K! Give us an R! Give us an O! And keep going until you get K-R-O-G-E-R! Get it? Because you loooove cheering on your #1: Kroger! And bringing Siete to Kroger stores across the country? Well that's your D-R-E-A-M. Alright, we'll stop with the...
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Supply Planner

Austin, TX · Posted Jul 26
True to your namesake, for every question of "what's up," you know exactly what's "'sup." You're a SUP-ply Planner, after all. Not only do you know the supply forecast better than any weather channel crew knows the weather, but you thrive in the eye of...
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Procurement Coordinator

Austin, TX · Posted Jul 26
A non-exhaustive list of the things we're pro: productivity, produce, proficiency, protractors (just us?), pro-blem solving, and procurement. Coincidentally, we are looking for a proactive Procurement Coordinator to join our team of prolific profession...
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Demand Planner

Austin, TX · Posted Jun 25
Like a beloved weather person or a highly technical weather radar, you've got a knack for tracking, maintaining, and explaining forecasts any day of the week! (Just take the word "weather" and replace it with "sales order," and BOOM! You've got it cove...
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Regulatory Specialist

Austin, TX · Posted Jun 19
You've got eagle eyes, laser sharp focus, and a knack for finding needles in the proverbial haystack. In any given situation, you're the person who's up-to-date on all things rules, directions, protocols, guidelines, procedures, and standards because y...
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Showing all 5