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Ignite Distribution

About Ignite Distribution

At Ignite, we’re focused on one goal: to change what you, and society, think about cannabis. We’re mavericks; we respect the way it has been done for years, but know we can deliver a superior product. No matter what you need or where you live, we’ll deliver world-class strains and superior CBD products that exceed all expectations. With so many unknowns, falsehoods, and just straight-up erroneous information out there, we strive to be the catalyst of cannabis change. We’re looking for the next peak to climb, because frankly, there’s no prize for 2nd place. We hold true to the promise that Dan has made… it is, and will always be, the best or nothing.

Don’t believe it? Look around and find out for yourself.


At Ignite, we’re devoted to sourcing and distributing the highest quality cannabis on Earth. We work with state-of-the-art indoor and light-assisted greenhouse facilities, along with pharmaceutical grade manufacturing labs. That’s where it all begins…

Ignite flower is at the heart of each and every Ignite product. At the core of everything we make, it represents an unwavering dedication to delivering premium cannabis throughout the globe. From the way in which it’s grown and curated, to the way in which it’s enjoyed, Ignite flower represents cannabis at its finest. Try it once and you’ll be a believer.

We’re dedicated to providing the purest cannabis products worldwide. We test and retest every batch for pesticides, herbicides, viruses, bacteria, microbials, and anything else that could possibly harm you. What’s more, we only source our oil from the finest flower — combining superior quality with state-of-the-art technology in each and every cartridge.

Proper dosing and potency of the product is key to the benefits and enjoyment of any cannabis experience. At Ignite, we know from experience what a proper dose should be. As a brand, we produce products that you can rely on, with optimal dosage and potency. Trust us, we test it and then test it again until it meets our intensive brand standards.