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GT Spirits (Ghost Tequila)

About GT Spirits (Ghost Tequila)


Ghost is brand spankin? new 100% agave tequila infused with Ghost peppers. We designed this fiery spirit to go down smooth as a shot, or lend itself to the perfect spicy margarita. Sound interesting? Read on!


It all started with a Boston bartender. In 2011, Chris was working at a new tequila bar with 120 different tequilas that very few people wanted to drink. His solution: create a tequila shot that would grab attention, taste great, and go down easy. Through this process he realized that guests were looking for a little more spice in their night?and their drinks. The result was a ghost pepper infused shooter that became a reason to visit his bar.


And with that, Ghost was born?an affordable tequila so smooth that even the person with the worst spring break tequila story would enjoy. From at-home experimentation to distilling in Mexico, the hero of our story perfected the recipe that's igniting shots and cocktails alike.


When you consider how many brands are brainstormed in a boardroom, a tequila born in a bar sounds a little crazy. But what began as a bartender?s passion project has exploded onto the scene. And through everything, our service industry roots remind us that we?re here to entertain guests, inspire bartenders, and serve a tequila that leaves you with memorable nights without mornings of regret.