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Gonzalez Byass USA

About Gonzalez Byass USA

Gonzalez Byass is a Spanish company leader in the world production of wine, liquors and premium spirits. We have been chosen as the best winery in Europe in 2018 at the 2018 Wine Star Awards.

Created in 1835 by Manuel María González Ángel in Jerez de la Frontera, the company is present in more than 100 countries with its own distribution network in Spain, the United Kingdom, Mexico and the United States, and commercial support teams in China, Germany, Brazil and Canada.

The great variety of our brands represents the enological diversity of Spain, among which are Tío Pepe (DO Jerez), Bodegas Beronia (DOCa Rioja), Viñas del Vero (DO Somontano), Cavas Vilarnau (DO Cava), Beronia Rueda (DO Rueda), Pazos de Lusco (DO Rías Baixas), Finca Constancia (Wine from the Land of Castilla), Finca Moncloa (Wine from the Land of Cádiz) and the Chilean wineries of Veramonte. In addition, we also have brands of liquors and spirits of great quality such as Lepanto, Insuperable, Soberano, Chinchón, gin The London No. 1 and MOM, and Jerez whiskey Nomad Outland Whiskey.

Employees of Gonzalez Byass we share the same Mission: to elaborate from the tradition and market quality wines and spirits with worldwide reach.

Our Vision is to be a great Family of Wines that is based on the values ​of innovation, commercial spirit, teamwork, the pursuit of excellence and sustainability.