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About Cora


Who We Are

We at Cora provide comfort through the uncomfortable.

From the take-on-the-world highs to the stay-in-bed lows, we’re here for you. If we had it our way, painful periods, leaky bladders, and complicated bodies would be a thing of the past. Until then, we’re throwing everything we’ve got at making products that give you comfort and peace-of-mind when you need it most. All our products are made with the highest quality 100% organic ingredients with no pesticides, dioxins, fragrance, or chlorine.

Everybody deserves comfort.
We believe everyone should have access to period care—full stop. So, with each Cora purchase, we provide period products and body literacy resources to people who might otherwise go without. To date we have provided over 23M period care products to those in need.  We are a certified B Corp.