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About Barnana

It all started in 1981 when Caue’s father, João, began dehydrating bananas from their backyard in Southern Brazil…

Barnana ® was founded in late 2012 by Caue Suplicy, Matt Clifford and Nik Ingersoll.

They set out with the goal of creating a brand synonymous with the curved yellow fruit we all know and love, the banana.

Why bananas? Well, bananas are the most consumed fruit in the US and they are also the most wasted.

Barnana ® is on a mission to end food waste on organic banana farms by upcycling the bananas that used to go to waste. Up to 20% of all bananas that are grown go to waste before ever reaching distribution. But why? Well, there are stringent export standards that leave the “imperfect” bananas without anyone to eat them so they get thrown away.

We’re growing fast. After just few years in business, Barnana ® can be found in over 12,000 retailers nationwide in the US including Whole Foods, Safeway, Starbucks, Costco and many others.

Thinking weird and being a little different is built into The Company’s DNA. From our outlandish guerrilla marketing, tech focused environment and strong focus on brand - the party is just getting started.

Barnana ® is a privately held company with an obsession for bananas. As a Certified B Corp, our culture is driven by passion. The work environment is fun, creative, brand-savvy, entrepreneurial, fast-paced, solutions-focused, irreverent but disciplined and team-oriented.

WE ARE BARNANA® and so are the thousands of brand advocates who eat and share our snacks every day. Piqued your curiosity? Keep reading…

Our culture is everything! It how we work together, play together and win together. Our culture is the foundation of how we treat each other and our customers. Our culture has been instrumental to our success and we keep improving it; our culture helps us attract and retain “A” players, and our culture makes working at Barnana fulfilling

Like many companies, we strive to hire the best. Below are real values and specific behaviors we care about most. The more these sound like you, and describe people you want to work with, the more likely you will thrive at Barnana

  • You are eager to learn
  • You have insight and make connections that others miss
  • You are willing to think different and seek alternate perspectives
  • You actively contribute outside of your specialty
  • You are articulate and concise in speech and writing
  • You are calm and think clearly in stressful situations
  • You provide candid, timely feedback to colleagues
  • You listen well and seek to understand before reacting
  • You accomplish copious amounts of work
  • You make your colleagues better  
  • You focus on results over process  
  • You demonstrate strong performance so colleagues can rely upon you
  • You are known for candor, authenticity, transparency, and being non-political 
  • You only say things about fellow employees that you say to their face
  • You admit mistakes freely and openly 
  • You treat people with respect independent of their status or disagreement with you 
  • You inspire others with your thirst for knowledge
  • You care intensely about our mission and what we are building
  • You are tenacious, relentless and optimistic
  • You are fun, and don’t take life too seriously
  • You say what you think, even if it is uncomfortable
  • You are willing to be critical of the status quo
  • You make tough decisions without agonizing
  • You take smart risks and are open to possible failure