3 Archived posts matching:"marketers”

  • chatgpt

    How to Unleash the True Potential of Your AI Marketing Strategy

    Today’s marketers must not only be digitally savvy, but they need to be curious and proactive about emerging technology trends in order to remain relevant and ahead of the competition. It’s no secret that Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful marketing tool to enhance customer engagement, drive personalization, and optimize campaigns. And it’s […]

    • ForceBrands
    • July 10, 2023
    • Rebecca Fryer
  • people sitting at a table

    Understanding the Difference Between Lead Generation and Performance Growth Marketing

    Lead generation and performance growth marketing are fundamental in the world of digital marketing. While they share some similarities, there are key differences between the two that marketers and brand professionals should be aware of to maximize their marketing strategy. Read on to explore the differences between lead generation and performance growth marketing and discover […]

  • people at a desk

    How Marketing Is the Most Difficult, But Rewarding Hire

    The three Ps of marketing have historically been product, price, and promotion. But given the challenges of finding and keeping great marketing talent, there is a fourth critical P: people. Every organization needs people who can speak to its customers and influence their buying decisions. However, while marketing talent is essential to your success, finding […]

    • ForceBrands
    • February 6, 2023
    • Melanie Haniph